New Resources for a new day


WE BELIEVE: Our healing and growth is a natural birthright and an essential element to living brilliantly and experiencing deep purpose in life. We believe true resources are abundant and accessible to all.

WE DREAM: Of the end of a time where people live without the healing resources they need. We dream of human sovereignty and growth of new levels of wellbeing and abundance of spirit and body. 

WE SEE: Many people are feeling pain and frustration with their current lack of wellbeing, healthy relationships, level of success, and financial stability. We are at a crossroads as individuals and collectively. It is time to approach our healing and growth from a deeper awareness of what it means to be a fully vital human, and end the depletion of our personal resources.

WE ARE: A center for reconnection to the birthrights of the human experience. We connect people to their bodies and internal resources. We teach people to claim their natural power, and become their best expert.

YOU ARE: the most important element and have exactly what you need to take your next step.


Network Spinal Analysis™ care is an approach to wellness and body awareness. Gentle precise touch to the spine cues the brain to create new wellness strategies and gives the patient access to resources within their own body. Releasing spinal and life tensions, while using existing tension as fuel for spinal re-organization and enhanced wellness. We combine clinical assessments of spinal refinements with patient’s self assessments of wellness and life changes. Greater self-awareness and conscious awakening of the relationships between the body, mind, emotion, and expression of the human spirit unfolds. Learn more...


Your body has a rhythm all its own. To help you understand those rhythms and access the wisdom of your body we offer Somato (Body) Respiratory (Breathing) Integration. SRI is designed to offer you new options for personal healing by listening to your body’s inner wisdom through focused attention, gentle breath, movement and touch. SRI provides a tool for focusing your attention on your body and empowers your healing. Learn more...

To schedule a new client interview or for more information:
Call (512) 608-1207 or email

Our practice is located at:

602 A Haywood Rd
Asheville NC 28806