MEET DR. CYnthia

Cynthia is a gentle, skilled guide on the path of self-care. She has a bountiful tool kit of resources to offer anyone looking to infuse a little more self-love into their life. Cynthia teaches embodied techniques that have a way of allowing the body to unwind, decompress and meet yourself where you are at this moment. These techniques allow the innate knowledge of the body to express without being consumed by the mind needing to understand every detail. My ability to be present within my body is growing & I am able to hold strong boundaries for myself in heightened situations. I am beyond grateful to Cynthia for sharing her authentic gifts and holding space for me in a supportive container. I feel like I am just scratching the surface of a new frontier of what life looks like with me grounded in the body, instead of dissociating and riding the emotional roller coasters that used to dominate my life. My heart swells with gratitude when I think of how much has changed since I began this journey. I highly recommend working with Cynthia… you will not regret the decision.
— Amber A.

Dr. Cynthia Bergh knows the power and wisdom everyone has available within for their fullest expression of wellbeing and purpose. She has had a lifelong passion for witnessing and supporting the magnificent expression of life. From the outdoor exploration of childhood, to a Bachelor of Arts in Biology, to Doctorate in Chiropractic, to full certification in Network Spinal Analysis she has pursued resources and deep understanding of self-organizing and healing properties.

She has cultivated her experience and expertise navigating personal transformation and guiding others for 20 years. In this time, she learned that the quality of life that people were seeking was limited by assumptions of the prevalent medical model. Energy and efficiency were being lost in our resistance of our experience. Limited by our desire to control symptoms and disease we were continually depleting our value and connection to our personal healing resources. When in fact, this loss led to continual depression of the flow of vital experience. To achieve new level’s of our experience, we have to ask different questions. What do we need to more fully and joyfully embrace and accept our experience? The success came when clients connected with resources that could allow them to safely embrace and transcend, rather than extinguish and avoid the uncomfortable experiences of life. The key was in fact to connect people more fully with their experience, which turns out to be the fuel for our exponential growth and flourishing in life.

From the original structure of Donald Epstein’s 12 Stages of Healing, she has developed Gaia Health System to navigate a wholistic experience to greater wellbeing and expression of human potential. Gaia Health System supports people, systems, and organizations to efficiently and sustainably self organize, learn, and grow into their magnificent potential expression.

She is the mother of two beautiful girls. She makes her home in Asheville, North Carolina and is an active part of the healing community. Creating a center for Embodied Wisdom has been a lifelong passion.

“In the hard times, I have learned what is held most sacred to my inner being.  I have been energized by this to make changes that support me and my authentic expression.  I have found depth of connection within myself and others that nourishes my soul.  I see the impact on those around me as I dig deep and know the courage to be fully in communion.”

Network Spinal Analysis, Somato-respiratory Integration, Qi Gong, and other resources continue to transform her life everyday. She can help you do the same, to turn physical pain into life transformation. What needs your attention so you can create forward motion in your life? Let’s find out.  Set up a Consultation.